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  • 精子成熟


  • 1992 , a novel defensin molecule in the epididymis for sperm maturation science
    , 1992 ) 、发现从附睾头部分泌的一个新防御素及其对精子成熟的影响( 《科学杂志》
  • Together with the previous findings , the present results suggest that bin1b plays dual role in the epididymis , both as a defensin and a regulator of sperm maturation
  • 5 . p and pr probably exert roles during the period of sperm development . p in follicular cells regulates spermiation and sperm maturation
    P和pr与精子的发生和成熟密切相关, p可能参与支持细胞与精子之问的信息传递,也可能直接参与精子的成熟调节。
  • Professor chan hsiao - chang , director of the research centre , explains , progressive movement of sperm is one of the fundamental changes associated with early process of sperm maturation
  • Reproductive biology with focus on the role of reproductive tract epithelia in spermatogenesis & sperm maturation , fertilization and implantation is one of the major research directions of the centre
  • How sperm becomes mature in the epididymis remains a puzzle since up still now no gene of epididymis - origin that is involved in the process of sperm maturation has been found despite nearly four decades of search
  • Sperm do not intrinsically possess the ability to swim or fertilize the egg when they are first produced by the testis , but acquire these abilities through a process called sperm maturation in the epididymis situated next to the testis
  • P and pr have relationships with spermatogensis and sperm maturation . 6 . the product of c - fos translocates from the cytoplasm of spermatogonia to nuclei of spermatogonia , then it induces the transcription of dna and regulate spermatogonial proliferation and spermatogenesis
    C fos产物从精原细胞胞质中转移到胞核中后通过启动dna的转录而调控精原细胞的增殖,从而促进精子发生的进程。
  • It requires further investigation whether spermatogonial proliferation starts in november . 3 . interstitial cells synthesize t in spring and autumn , its spermatogonial proliferation independent on the levels of t . t in the follicular cells in the testis of rana quadranus regulate sperm maturation by paracrine mechanism
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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